Overview of the major projects from recent years
Presentation of the major projects
InnoTeach – LET’S BE INNOVATIVE! The aim is to trigger different way of thinking in primary schools and to show that innovation is crucial for success – anywhere; in all subjects, in daily situations in school, in real life challenges. In 1st step, teachers will be trained and equipped with appropriate tools. In the 2nd step they will use their knowledge in practice – they will identify a concrete challenge and perform the necessary phases crucial for creation, development and implementation of innovative solutions and bring their idea to life. (Erasmus+, KA2 School education, 2016-2018).
2INNO.EU – DO INOVATION NOW! The general objective of the Project was to enhance innovation processes within SMEs. It focused on SMEs’ owners and their key staff via modular short training programme, user-friendly distance training toolkit and B2B coaching activities focused on SMEs’ needs. The project successfully supported many inventors, SMEs and the invention of a 6-year-old girl. She became one of youngest Slovenian and world inventors and already received some important international awards for her invention with a high market potential. (Leonardo da Vinci, TOI, 2013-2015).
INO2013-2014: The aim was to strengthen the innovation capacity of innovators and micro companies. More than 60 Slovenian patent applications and 5 PCT were filled, 30 innovative companies were established, more than 20 new products/services were successfully launched to the market and several training courses organised. Within this Project some of the inventions were presented at a few international fairs (e.g. IIF – Seoul, South Korea; ARCA – Zagreb, Croatia) where the authors received several important awards (National Project supported by SPIRIT Slovenija, 2013-2014).
CREATIVITY, INNOVATION AND ENTERPRENEURSHIP OF PUPILS: The purpose was to encourage creative, innovative and entrepreneurial thinking in primary schools. A comprehensive handbook for teachers, workshops for teachers and pupils was prepared as extra-curricular activities. The UPI Project also entailed an implementation of a comprehensive research on innovation potential of pupils on the sample of almost 700 pupils. It resulted in international monograph, resounding papers and a national curricula programme for accreditation. (National Project supported by SPIRIT Slovenija, 2010-2012).
INNOVATION WITHIN FOREST COMPANIES: Training Tool for Implementing Innovation Process in Forest Companies – iForest Project: The overall objective of the iForest Project was to produce an interactive learning tool to support innovation management and development in the forestry sector in participating partner countries. The Project was the follow-up of our very successful iModel Project. (Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation, 2010-2012).
EUREKA! IDEAS AND INNOVATION OF YOUTH: The aim was to increase the innovative competences of youth and their teachers. Copious successful youth projects were created resulting in active integration of over 1,400 pupils, training of over 250 mentors organised, numerous books and comic published, several award competitions, (inter)national conferences and exhibitions organised… Eureka! was presented at the closing conference of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation as the best practice example from Slovenia (National project supported by various ministries, 2005-2009).
INNOVATION COMPANY MODEL: The objective of the iModel Project was to introduce the innovation management strategy into the wood processing industry, namely on the basis of training and coaching of top and middle management on the rapid development and higher competitiveness of companies. The final product was the iModel – a frame of methodology, procedures and “ready-to-implement” materials for introducing an efficient innovation management into companies. iModel was as a good practice transferred also into other countries throughout Europe. (Leonardo da Vinci, Pilot projects, 2004-2007).